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gmat exam prep | Valid gmat exam questions and Answers | 100% Guarantee
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Buy valid GMAT questions and answer bank that will guarantee you a pass in the exam therefore
To earn a perfect score therefore, you must correctly answer all the counted questions in each section. That’s not easy — but it is possible. According to the Graduate Management Admissions Council, fewer than 50 people out of more than 200,000 people who took the previous GMAT exam each year scored a perfect 800.
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How long does it take to prep for the GMAT?
How long does GMAT prep take? Remember, studying for the GMAT takes time. Plan to spend about two to three months and 100–120 hours reviewing material and practicing regularly. The top scorers on the GMAT spend 120+ hours, on average, studying for Test Day over a period of time also.
How hard is a 700 GMAT score?
According to these GMAT score percentiles, you need to do better than 90% of everyone taking the test if you want to crack that 700 mark. And, if you just want to make it into that 650 bracket, you’ll need to do better than 76 percent of GMAT takers.
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GMAT scores are valid for up to five years after the exam date, but can be reported as a score attempt for up to ten years to any institution.