TOEFL Certification

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With the right certifications, you can gain more confidence in your abilities and the opportunity to apply for more desirable positions. TOEFL Certification.

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The TOEFL® tests prepare students for university study, immigration and more.

TOEFL iBT Certification

The TOEFL iBT test helps you stand out confidently in English. It’s the only test that measures all four academic English skills — reading, listening, speaking and writing — the way they are actually used in a classroom, so you can be confident you’ll stand out to universities where it counts. With the TOEFL iBT test, universities know you’re ready to succeed. Show them how you stand out.

When you choose the TOEFL iBT test to show your English proficiency, universities notice and know you’re ready to succeed. Accepted by more than 12,500 universities and other institutions in over 160 countries, and preferred worldwide, the TOEFL iBT test is the world’s premier English-language test for study, work and immigration.

TOEFL® EssentialsTM Certification

A friendly and convenient English-language test with the quality that universities respect

The TOEFL Essentials test measures the four core language skills: listening, reading, writing and speaking. The friendly test format has short, engaging tasks that relate to both academic situations and everyday life.

You can take the test from home in only about 1.5 hours, for about half the price of other major English-language tests. Universities trust TOEFL scores to accurately measure your English skills, so they know you can succeed in their programs.

With its innovative test design, it combines the convenience and affordability you want, without compromising the quality institutions trust. As a reliable and accurate TOEFL test from ETS, it shows universities that you hold yourself to high quality standards.

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The TOEFL Primary® Certification

Designed for students ages 8+, the TOEFL Primary® tests allow you to measure your students’ English communication skills to guide your teaching goals, monitor student progress and more.

The Right Path. Right from the Start.

Designed for students ages 8+, the TOEFL Primary® tests allow you to measure your students’ English communication skills to guide your teaching goals, monitor student progress and more.

The program offers convenient and flexible tests that:

  • assess the academic and social English-language proficiency of young students
  • provide a snapshot of each student’s ability in listening, reading, writing and speaking
  • support teaching and learning by giving information about students’ abilities in relation to a widely accepted international standard

The TOEFL Junior® Certification

Guide your students to reach their full potential

Measure your students’ English communication skills with the objective and reliable TOEFL Junior® tests, designed for ages 11+. These assessments pinpoint students’ strengths and challenges, which informs placement and helps you monitor progress.

Your students are ready for the next step on their English-language journey. Created to provide insight into your students’ English communication skills, the TOEFL Junior tests enable you to make the best decisions about placement and progress, and help you guide your students to reach their full potential.

The tests are designed to:

  • assess the academic and social English-language proficiency of young students
  • provide a snapshot of each student’s ability in listening, reading, speaking and writing
  • support teaching and learning by giving information about students’ abilities in relation to a widely accepted international standard
TOEFL Certification

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The TOEFL ITP® Certification

The TOEFL ITP® Assessment Series is a leading English-proficiency testing program for ages 16+ that allows you to measure and evaluate your students’ English-language skills with confidence. Know where your students are today, and inspire and lead them to a better tomorrow.

Bring the global standard in English-language assessment to your classroom with the TOEFL ITP® Assessment Series — a convenient, affordable and reliable assessment of English-language skills. More than 2,500 institutions in 50+ countries administer the tests annually.

When you use the TOEFL ITP tests, you’ll measure students’ proficiency level in four different skills — reading comprehension, listening comprehension, structure and written expression, and speaking. You’ll be able to pinpoint the areas in which your students need help so you can tailor your teaching to meet those needs. Knowing your students’ English-skill levels better today gives them the best chance for success tomorrow. 

Use the TOEFL ITP tests for:

  • placement in intensive English-language programs requiring academic English proficiency at a college or graduate level
  • progress monitoring in English-language programs stressing academic English proficiency
  • exiting English-language programs by demonstrating proficiency in English listening and reading
  • skill building and preparation for the TOEFL iBT® test
  • admissions to short-term, nondegree programs and collaborative international degree programs
  • admissions to degree programs through testing administered by an institution for use only in that institution
  • admissions to degree programs through pathways specific to an institution
  • scholarship programs, as contributing documentation for academic English proficiency

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