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What is the CSCA Certification? The CSCA® (Certified in Strategy and Competitive Analysis) program is designed to prepare accountants and finance professionals to become key players in the strategy management process at their organizations.
What is the passing score for the CSCA exam?
What is the passing score for the CSCA exam? The scaled score range for the exam is 0 – 400, with a minimum passing scaled score of 280.
Is CSCA worth it?
Holders of this valuable certification will be more equipped to drive strategic planning, enable innovation, build resilient financial plans, and manage risk to help their organizations sustain a competitive advantage.” The CSCA program offers flexible enrollment therefore.

CSCA exam fees | CSCA Timeline | Is CSCA worth it | requirements for CSCA | Also.
Is the Certified Management Accountant exam hard?
The exam is difficult, with an average pass rate of around 45 percent, but with the right study practices and a proven CSCA Exam review, you can increase your likelihood of passing and speed up the process so you can start experiencing the benefits of a Certified Management Accounting certification.
What are the requirements for CSCA?
CSCA Certification Requirements: You must be a current IMA member. Furthermore, You must have passed the CFM or CMA exam. You must pay for CSCA program entry. You must comply with the IMA’s Statement of Ethical Professional Practice.
How Much Does the CSCA Cost therefore?
CSCA exam fees ONLY: $600. CSCA exam fees PLUS IMA Strategy and Competitive Analysis Learning Series®: $1,295. IMA Strategy and Competitive Analysis Learning Series® ONLY: $695
CSCA Timeline therefore
40 to 75 hours of study suggested, depending on your level of expertise therefore. Furthermore CSCA program entry provides two years to pass the exam.
The CSCA is offered via two exam windows per year in March and September also.