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Do you want to sit for the OET (Occupational English Test)? OET is an English language proficiency test that is focused for the healthcare industry staffs. It tests the language skills of those healthcare workers who want to be registered in an English-speaking country and work there. To date, the OET is accredited by the health boards and councils of the United Kingdom and the Republic of Ireland, Australia, New Zealand, the Dubai Healthcare City, and the Singapore Ministry of Health.
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The test is divided into four sub-tests: Listening, Reading, Writing and Speaking. Sub-tests are developed to evaluate language abilities when functioning as a healthcare practitioner. In the OET Writing sub-test, the candidate may be expected to write a letter from a case notes or a case history.
The exam consist of;
*Reading; 60-minute exam consisting of 42 questions, *Writing; 45 minute exam – The task is to write a letter, usually a referral letter. Sometimes, especially for some professions, a different type of letter is required, *Listening; Approx. 45-minute exam consisting of 3 parts, where you will follow and understand a range of health-related spoken materials such as patient consultations and lectures, *Speaking; approx. 20-minute exam, You will take part in two role-plays, where you’ll take your professional role while the other person plays a patient or client, or sometimes a relative or carer.

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OET preparation
Furthermore, OET requires preparation before one can attain a good score as a healthcare professional. A considerable number of candidates-
choose OET preparation courses in order to become more acquainted with the test format and complete it under these conditions. Also, candidates must undertake sample questions of the OET, as well as expand their understanding of the category of healthcare-
related words and linguistic patterns.
The OET result may help healthcare professionals in registration, employment, and career progression in English-speaking countries. They show the proficiency of a candidate in communication within the professional health care setting which is crucial–
in rendering quality services to the patients.
Overall, the OET is beneficial to those practising in healthcare who would wish to work in English-speaking countries. When properly prepared and effectively conducted, the achieving of a high mark in the OET can greatly improve the employment opportunities and growth path of a professional in the healthcare sector.