OET Exam Fee | How much does the OET exam cost
How much does the OET exam cost | OET Exam Fee
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The full OET Test (four sub-tests including Listening, Reading, Writing and Speaking) costs AU$587 or US$455 for USA
OET or the Occupational English Test is around the corner? The OET is an english language proficiency test that is specialty produced for healthcare workers. It tests the English language proficiency of health care personnel that seek registration to practise in English speaking countries. OET is accredited by the healthcare boards and councils in the United Kingdom and Ireland, Australia, New Zealand, Dubai and Singapore.
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The test is divided into four sub-tests: Comprehension/Audiogesthetic skills, Reading/Large Motor Skills, Writing/Motor Skills and Speech and Language Skill. Each sub-test is pecifically developed to measure cognitive language abilities in a health-/medical-related environment. OET Writing sub-test to write a letter based on case notes or case history involves presentation of the case from the candidates view. The Speaking sub-test involves a live encounter with a partner and specifically, candidates are evaluated based on their communication skills in the context of a health care context.
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Studying for the OET
There is no question that efforts invested in studying for the OET are rewarded with a high mark. Due to this, most candidates –
choose to take OET preparation courses in order to become accustomed to the structure of the test and-
profit from the circumstantial practical experience. Furthermore, asking sample OET question and going through healthcare context along with some of language patterns is therefore important.
The OET is useful for registration, employment, or career progress in English-speaking nations as a result of higher test outcomes-
for health-care professionals. They show how a candidate can depict their communication skills in the professional health care-
setting, which is very useful in relation to providing quality health care services also.
In conclusion, the OET can be helpful for all the healthcare professionals who are planning to work in the English language-
environment therefore. When done effectively, efforts to prepare for this exam are highly rewarding since they can help improve one’s career path as a healthcare professional .