
cost of oet certificate | What to know about OET cost

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Are you thinking about getting a job in health care and if you are planning to work in an English speaking environment? If that is the case then the OET commonly known as the Occupational English Test needs to be taken in order for you to proceed with your career path. The OET is aimed at healthcare professionals only and is accepted by the boards and councils in the United Kingdom and Republic of Ireland, Australia, New Zealand, Dubai, and Singapore also.

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cost of oet certificate

OET evaluates the language communication ability of the health care professionals based on the role play as used in actual health care setting. It consists of four sub-tests: In Health care setting each of the four language Skills of Listening, Reading, Writing and Speaking have been captured without distortions in order to make a fair assessment of the competence of the candidates. The OET Writing sub-test involves the writing of a letter, which may be case notes or case history and the Speaking sub-test involves interaction of a candidate with an interlocutor, and shows his/her ability to communicate in a health care setting therefore.

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How to prepare for the OET

One must seriously prepare for the OET if they are to succeed at the test. Most of the candidates prefer to take OET practise-

courses so that they can get acquainted with the exam type, get additional practise in passing the test,-

as well as strengthen their language competency in the context of healthcare. Furthermore, use of appropriate healthcare related vocabulary and pattern of the language is very important to obtain more marks.

Passing OET improves your employability as a healthcare professional and its result has a strong impact on your career progression. It proves your worth as a communicator in the formal workplace setting especially in healthcare which is essential in-

the delivery of quality health care to patient’s in your career path.

Therefore enthusiasts interested in practising their career in English speaking nations should take advantage and pursue the OET certification. With proper preparation and taking an effort to attempt the OET many opportunities and careers-

are available in the health sector.

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